Thermal ceramics de colombia s a

Importer in Colombia

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Thermal ceramics de colombia s a is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Thermal ceramics de colombia s a importer in Colombia. Thermal ceramics de colombia s a import data helps in finding import information of Thermal ceramics de colombia s a importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-15-2018
Control id352018000194135
Importer id0000000800235752
Importer addressCL 18 23 31 BG 1
Importer phone2372205
Department DestinationSantafe de Bogota
HS CODE6806200000
PRODUCTDO BUN20182775.áProcess order: OC-3781.áDeclaration (1-1).áNEW MERCHANDISE WE WE WELCOME TO
Country of OriginMEXICO
Country of AcquisitionMEXICO
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyMAERSK COLOMBIA S.A
ExporterACCIMIN, S.A. DE C.V.
Exporter addressLAFAYETTE N? 121, COL. ANZURES
Exporter CityMEXICO D.F
Exporter CountryMexico
Exporter phone
Unit of measureKG
US FOB10050.8
US Freight1330
US Insurance15.07
US CIF11395.87
Transport documentPLIMX4800896
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Import shipment Details of Thermal ceramics de colombia s a

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-31-2018 6901000000 DO CTG20182874.áDeclaration (1-2).áNEW MERCHANDISE.áWe fly DECREE 0925 OF 2013 M 678 U 13755.67 19844.03 THERMAL CERAMICS INC. ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-31-2018 6806100000 DO CTG20182874.áDeclaration (2-2).áNEW MERCHANDISE.áWe fly DECREE 0925 OF 2013 M 250.12 KG 4789.34 5278.8 THERMAL CERAMICS INC. ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-23-2018 6806100000 DO CTG20182873.áOrder: MORGAN.áDeclaration (1-1).áNEW MERCHANDISE WE WELCOME TO THE 7852.59 KG 39509 45118.26 THERMAL CERAMICS INC. ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-22-2018 2508300000 BL 1208 MEX / - / PRODUCT: HIGH ALUMINA CLAY Grog, degree of processing: REFR BRICKS 20000 KG 3681.66 3937.95 GRUPO INDUSTRIAL MORGAN S.A DE C V MEXICO View Coulmn name
05-22-2018 7019909090 BL 1208 MEX / - / PRODUCT: SUPERWOOL MANTA PLUS, PRESENTATION: ROLLS, USE: FOR coati 196 KG 6580.34 7038.41 GRUPO INDUSTRIAL MORGAN S.A DE C V MEXICO View Coulmn name

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