Surtiabarrotes internacional sas

Importer in Colombia

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Surtiabarrotes internacional sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Surtiabarrotes internacional sas importer in Colombia. Surtiabarrotes internacional sas import data helps in finding import information of Surtiabarrotes internacional sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-07-2018
Control id872018000111146
Importer id0000000900855360
Importer addressCR 42 C 6 40
Importer phone3446478
Department DestinationAtlantico
HS CODE1604141000
PRODUCTDO BAQMMA065002.áProcess order: IMP.12 TUNA.áDeclaration (1-1).á(Baqjaider) We seek
Country of OriginECUADOR
Country of AcquisitionECUADOR
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyMAERSK COLOMBIA S.A
Exporter addressVIA MANTA- ROCAFUERTE KM. 8 1/2 S/N
Exporter CityJARAMIJO
Exporter CountryEcuador
Exporter phone e-mail0999345130
Unit of measureKG
US FOB60600
US Freight1312
US Insurance42.42
US CIF61954.42
Transport documentSLD817608
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Import shipment Details of Surtiabarrotes internacional sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-24-2018 703209000 THE BAQMMA063883.áOrder proceeding: IMP.á105 SV-004403-18 JINING.áDeclaration (1-1).á(Baqjorge 108000 KG 65880 73718.12 JINING KINGWIN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-24-2018 703209000 THE BAQMMA063884.áOrder PROCESSING: IMP.111 SV-004406-18-JINING.áDeclaration (1-1).á(Baqkaren) 135000 KG 80325 90121.23 JINING KINGWIN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-23-2018 703209000 DO BAQMMA063850.áProcess order: SV-004399-18 GARLIC.áDeclaration (1-1).á(Baqkaren) NOS HOSTS 134000 KG 83800 93598.66 SHANDONG GOODFARMER INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.,LTD CHINA View Coulmn name
05-22-2018 1604141000 DO BAQMMA066048.áTramite order: IMP 14 TUNA.áDeclaration (1-1).áBaqlaura.áWe seek 16800 KG 30375 31708.26 PUERTOMAR SA ECUADOR View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 1604131000 DO BAQMMA065735.áProcessing order: IMP 13 PUERTOMAR FACT.á313. Declaration (1-2).á(Baqjorge) 51637.5 KG 87570 91271.35 PUERTOMAR SA ECUADOR View Coulmn name

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