Simon colombia ltda

Importer in Colombia

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Simon colombia ltda is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Simon colombia ltda importer in Colombia. Simon colombia ltda import data helps in finding import information of Simon colombia ltda importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-21-2018
Control id352018000203395
Importer id0000000805008762
Importer addressCR 1 30 103
Importer phone4425431
Department DestinationValle del Cauca
HS CODE9405109090
PRODUCTChandeliers and other DEVICES TO HANG OR dazzled attached to ceiling or wall EXCEPT L
Country of OriginCHINA
Country of AcquisitionCHINA
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyEDUARDO L GERLEIN S A
Exporter addressADD: F/12 4# BUILDING NO.999 YAN
Exporter CityNINGBO
Exporter CountryChina
Exporter phone e-mail66574-88358076
Unit of measureU
US FOB6585.4
US Freight64.35
US Insurance9.88
US CIF6659.63
Transport documentSZS1803112
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Import shipment Details of Simon colombia ltda

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-28-2018 9405109010 Chandeliers and other Electrical Lighting SET TO HANG OR ceiling or PARE 8160 U 16394.4 18208.59 ZALUX S.A. ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-25-2018 1509900000 SANITARY REGISTRY OF OCTOBER.22 INVIMA #RSiA 18129109/20012266 / 2009 VIG.A NOV.05 / 2019.- A 5771 KG 18822.08 19529.29 F. FAIGES S.L ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-25-2018 1509100000 SANITARY REGISTRY OF OCTOBER.22 INVIMA #RSiA 18129109/20012266 / 2009 VIG.A NOV.05 / 2019.- A 5730 KG 32040.9 33244.79 F. FAIGES SL ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 9405109010 Chandeliers and other Electrical Lighting SET TO HANG OR ceiling or PARE 3492 U 56867 57507.94 NINGBO YOURLITE IMP. & EXP. CO. LTD. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 9405990000 Other parts of lighting apparatus (LAMPS) PRODUCT: RAILS AND PLASTI GANCHOS.- 1760 U 9415 9521.11 NINGBO YOURLITE IMP.&EXP.. CO.LTD. CHINA View Coulmn name

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