Rj brings sas

Importer in Colombia

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Rj brings sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Rj brings sas importer in Colombia. Rj brings sas import data helps in finding import information of Rj brings sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-03-2018
Control id902018000086741
Importer id0000000901065356
ImporterRJ BRINGS S.A.S.
Importer addressCL 50 51 29 P 3 OF 306
Importer phone2519650
Department DestinationAntioquia
HS CODE4202121000
PRODUCTDO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format June 1;áInvoice (s) ... 0089 26042018;átrunks, valises (vests) AND CASES, INCLUDING
Country of OriginINDONESIA
Country of AcquisitionPANAMA
Type of transportTerrestre
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyAEROSUCRE S.A.
Exporter addressCOLON FREE ZONE
Exporter CityCOLON
Exporter CountryPanama
Unit of measureU
US FOB373.43
US Freight13.96
US Insurance0.94
US CIF388.56
Transport document111 10011993
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Import shipment Details of Rj brings sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-03-2018 6404190000 DO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format June 6;áInvoice (s) ... 26042018 0089;ásoled footwear rubber, LEATHER NA 2454 2U 34320.08 35709.08 BLUEBERRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. VIET NAM View Coulmn name
05-03-2018 6403999000 DO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format on June 5;áInvoice (s) ... 26042018 0089;ásoled footwear rubber, LEATHER NA 192 2U 2839.73 2954.65 BLUEBERRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. VIET NAM View Coulmn name
05-03-2018 6402999000 DO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format June 4;áInvoice (s) ... 0089 26042018;áOther footwear with outer soles and uppers D 210 2U 2895.57 3012.75 BLUEBERRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. VIET NAM View Coulmn name
05-03-2018 4202920000 DO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format June 3;áInvoice (s) ... 0089 26042018;átrunks, valises (vests) AND BAGS, BACKPACKS 24 U 144.09 149.92 BLUEBERRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-03-2018 4202220000 DO GROUP-18235MED, Order Format June 2;áInvoice (s) ... 0089 26042018;átrunks, valises (vests) AND CASES, INCLUDING 12 U 165.7 172.4 BLUEBERRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. CHINA View Coulmn name

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