Rafhan maize products co ltd

Exporter in Pakistan

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Rafhan maize products co ltd is an exporter company in Pakistan. Seair Exim Solutions is providing updated export trade data report Rafhan maize products co ltd. Rafhan maize products co ltd trade data is collected from the customs of Pakistan and contains information required for trade business.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 2018/10/9
Port Of ShipmentKPPE
HS Code11081200
Item DescriptionGLOBE MAIZE (CORN) STARCH 034010
Exporter NtN711795
Importing CountryKENYA
Gross Weight0
Total Quantity228000
Total Value In Pak Rs0
Total Value In Trade Currency87324
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Export shipment details of Rafhan maize products co ltd

DATE HS Code Item Description Gross Weight Total Quantity Unit Price Total Value In Pak Rs [20] More Fields
2018/10/9 11081200 GLOBE MAIZE (CORN) STARCH 034010 0 228000 KG 0.383 0 View Coulmn name
2018/10/9 11081200 GLOBE MAIZE(CORN) STARCH 034010DETAIL AS PER INVOICE AND PACKING LIST(ZERO-RATED) 0 37148 KG 0.4581 0 View Coulmn name
2018/10/8 17023000 GLOBE GLUCOSE SYRUP 010800(UNDER ZERO RATED) 0 37000 KG 0.495 0 View Coulmn name
2018/10/31 11081200 GLOBE MAIZE (CORN) STARCH 034010 (MORE DETAIL AS PER ATTACHED INV/PL) 0 228000 KG 0.383 0 View Coulmn name
2018/10/31 11081200 GLOBE MAIZE (CORN) STARCH 034010UNDER ZERO RATED 0 37000 KG 0.445 0 View Coulmn name

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