P j col s a s

Importer in Colombia

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P j col s a s is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of P j col s a s importer in Colombia. P j col s a s import data helps in finding import information of P j col s a s importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-09-2018
Control id352018000187022
Importer id0000000900328834
ImporterP J COL S A S
Importer addressAK 45 232 35 LC 4 113
Importer phone5285960
Department DestinationSantafe de Bogota
HS CODE406100000
PRODUCTDO, 00012924 Order IMP-030-18 D, I, 19441443 F / N 90653657 17-APR-18 Ref100002910 QLC PAPA J
Country of OriginESTADOS UNIDOS
Country of AcquisitionESTADOS UNIDOS
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentPAGOS ANTICIPADOS
Transportation companyEDUARDO L GERLEIN S A
Exporter address1830 WEST 38TH AVENUE DENVER CO 802
Exporter CityDENVER
Exporter CountryEstados Unidos
Exporter phone e-mail303.480.2600
Unit of measureKG
US FOB63884.98
US Freight3420.48
US Insurance274.59
US CIF67580.05
Transport documentHBL1849
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Import shipment Details of P j col s a s

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-30-2018 904221000 DO, 00015262 Request IMP-041-18 D, I, 19540697 F / N 0005448668 18-APR-18 Ref 1224 PKTS, CRUSHE 145 KG 1577.87 1669.56 PJ FOOD SERVICE, QUALITY CONTROL CENTERS ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 1602329000 DO, 00015262 Request IMP-041-18 D, I, 19540696 F / N 0005448668 18-APR-18 Ref 1095 CHICKEN, GRI 2068.4 KG 14863.18 15726.99 PJ FOOD SERVICE, QUALITY CONTROL CENTERS ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 1905909000 DO, 00015262 Request IMP-041-18 D, I, 19540695 F / N 0005448668 18-APR-18 Ref 8074 THIN CRUST, 204.12 KG 376.47 398.34 PJ FOOD SERVICE, QUALITY CONTROL CENTERS ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 2106909000 DO, 00015262 Request IMP-041-18 D, I, 19540694 F / N 0005448668 18-APR-18 Ref 1042 DRIZZLE, PRO 249.48 KG 611.85 647.41 PJ FOOD SERVICE, QUALITY CONTROL CENTERS ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 2005700000 DO, 00015262 Request IMP-041-18 D, I, 19540689 F / N 0005448668 18-APR-18 Ref 1031 OLIVE, BLACK 205.82 KG 637.73 674.79 PJ FOOD SERVICE, QUALITY CONTROL CENTERS ESPA?A View Coulmn name

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