Details of Mushroom Import Data to Mexico

Date HS Code Product Mexican Importer Origin Country Unit Qty Quantity Total Weight CIF USD CIF Unit USD [20] More Fields
30-Aug-18 07123999 HONGOS SECOS REBANADOS WOK ON ROLL RESTAURANTS GROUP SA DE CV China (CN) Kilogram 40.86 11073.18 280.603 6.867425355 View Coulmn name
28-Aug-18 06029004 PLANTULAS DE DRACAENA SPP DE WARNEKEI LEMON LIME CON RAICES PRIMORDIALES (CRI) FLORES Y PLANTAS DE CALIDAD SA DE CV Costa Rica (CR) Kilogram 1236 25710 1641.559 1.328122168 View Coulmn name
27-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPIONES REBANADOS CALKINS BURKE AND ZANNIE DE MEXICO SA DE CV Netherlands (NL) Kilogram 121082.54 235026.24 288279.516 2.380851244 View Coulmn name
27-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPION LAMINADO DOCIAN MX COMERCIAL, S.A. DE C.V. Spain (ES) Kilogram 3000 21445 3895.003 1.298334333 View Coulmn name
23-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPIONES REBANADOS (ENLATADOS) HONGOS DE MEXICO SA DE CV Poland (PL) Kilogram 17146 20361 24062.051 1.403362359 View Coulmn name
23-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPIONES REBANADOS (ENLATADOS) HONGOS DE MEXICO SA DE CV Poland (PL) Kilogram 17146 20361 24062.051 1.403362359 View Coulmn name
23-Aug-18 20039099 HONGOS PREPARADOS (TARTUFA ESPECIAL) PRODUCTOS ALTA REPOSTERIA SA DE CV Italy (IT) Kilogram 120 20385.3 2284.745 19.03954167 View Coulmn name
22-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPION REBANADO ENLATADO ALCEDA SA DE CV Poland (PL) Kilogram 17955 21000 26312.276 1.465456753 View Coulmn name
18-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPIONES REBANADOS CALKINS BURKE AND ZANNIE DE MEXICO SA DE CV Netherlands (NL) Kilogram 146907.93 276069.6 326028.172 2.219268708 View Coulmn name
09-Aug-18 20031001 CHAMPIONES REBANADOS (ENLATADOS) HONGOS DE MEXICO SA DE CV Poland (PL) Kilogram 17146 20361 24006.515 1.400123352 View Coulmn name

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