Ms gatron industries limited

Importer in Pakistan

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Ms gatron industries limited is a leading import company in Pakistan. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Ms gatron industries limited importer in Pakistan. Ms gatron industries limited import data helps in finding import information of Ms gatron industries limited importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Pakistan customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 2018/10/25
HS Code 83100090
Item Description NAME PLATE USB 10X30MM
Importer NtnNumber 710457
Importer Address KHI PK
Port Of Shipment CANADA
Currency Code 840
Units KG
Quantity 1
Rate Assigned 1.85
Rate Declared 1.85
Value In Rupees 252
Customs Duty 50
Sales Tax 52
Sales tax Additional 0
Income Tax 20
OtherTaxes 0
PortStr KPAF
IgmNo 10688
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Import shipment Details of Ms gatron industries limited

Date HS Code Item Description Units Quantity Value In Rupees Customs Duty Sales Tax [20] More Fields
2018/10/8 29054200 PENTA R PENTAERYTHRITOL KG 1000 637317 19120 113761 View Coulmn name
2018/10/8 29054200 PENTA R PENTAERYTHRITOL KG 1000 637317 19120 113761 View Coulmn name
2018/10/29 48229000 PAPER TUBE KG 201 31137 6227 6458 View Coulmn name
2018/10/29 85389090 GPIBUSB BOX FOR FPAM DPGM KG 1 220030 35205 44138 View Coulmn name
2018/10/26 48221000 PAPER TUBE SIZ 125 X 125 X 140 MM DIFFERENT COLORS TOTAL QTY 40320 PCS QTY IN PCS KG 40320 2547004 509401 528249 View Coulmn name

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