Mejia gomez jose alirio

Importer in Colombia

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Mejia gomez jose alirio is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Mejia gomez jose alirio importer in Colombia. Mejia gomez jose alirio import data helps in finding import information of Mejia gomez jose alirio importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-16-2018
Control id902018000095417
Importer id0000000071648588
Importer addressCR 54 46 21 LC 108
Importer phone5130811
Department DestinationAntioquia
HS CODE7018100000
PRODUCTDO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 3;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 23.04.2018;áglass beads,
Country of OriginCHINA
Country of AcquisitionCHINA
Type of transportTerrestre
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyTRANSPORTES LODISCARGA S.A.S.
Exporter addressUNIT 17A08, FUTIAN BUILDING A, NO.
Exporter CountryChina
Exporter phone e-mailWWW.TRANSVISION.CO
Unit of measureKG
US Freight12.45
US Insurance1.23
US CIF431.33
Transport documentCTLT09205090754
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Import shipment Details of Mejia gomez jose alirio

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-16-2018 3924900000 DO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 1;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 23.04.2018;áDISHES AND OTHER A 14760 U 8265.6 8590.8 TRANSVISION TRADING LIMITED CHINA View Coulmn name
05-16-2018 8213000000 DO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 6;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 04.23.2018; SCISSORS AND SHEET 60000 U 1200 1247.21 TRANSVISION TRADING LIMITED CHINA View Coulmn name
05-16-2018 7615108000 DO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 5;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 04.23.2018; ARTICLES OF USE D 2000 U 300 311.81 TRANSVISION TRADING LIMITED CHINA View Coulmn name
05-16-2018 9605000000 DO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 9;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 04.23.2018; sets or assortments 64800 U 1728 1795.99 TRANSVISION TRADING LIMITED CHINA View Coulmn name
05-16-2018 9504400000 DO MEDAR065-18, Order Format September 8;áInvoice (s) ... 180328 04.23.2018; ARTICLES THU 5760 U 172.8 179.59 TRANSVISION TRADING LIMITED CHINA View Coulmn name

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