Details of Maize Import Data to Mexico

Date HS Code Product Mexican Importer Origin Country Unit Qty Quantity Total Weight CIF USD CIF Unit USD [20] More Fields
31-Aug-18 10059003 Maz amarillo. PRODUCTOS AGROPECUARIOS DE TEHUACAN SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 8500000 8500000 1683679.986 0.198079998 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO ADM MEXICO SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 10000000 28503615 1605395.339 0.160539534 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO US NO. 2 O MEJOR BACHOCO SA CV United States (US) Kilogram 21082311 21082311 3843518.743 0.182310124 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 Maz amarillo. PRODUCTOS AVICOLAS EL CALVARIO SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 7553270 7553270 1496151.705 0.198079998 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 Maz amarillo. PRODUCTORA DE HUEVO SANTA RITA, S. DE PR DE RL. United States (US) Kilogram 1500000 1500000 297119.997 0.198079998 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 Maz amarillo. SOCORRO ROMERO SANCHEZ S.A. DE C.V. United States (US) Kilogram 11000000 11000000 2178880.034 0.198080003 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO CARGILL DE MEXICO SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 5173869 26904119 870348.223 0.168219996 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO ADM MEXICO SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 18503615 28503615 3578054.013 0.193370539 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO US NO. 2 O MEJOR CAMPI ALIMENTOSSA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 7767167 7767167 1416033.18 0.182310124 View Coulmn name
31-Aug-18 10059003 MAIZ AMARILLO CARGILL DE MEXICO SA DE CV United States (US) Kilogram 21730250 26904119 3929046.493 0.18081 View Coulmn name

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