Limited liability service bud materials

Exporter in Ukraine

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Limited liability service bud materials is an exporter company in Ukraine. Seair Exim Solutions is providing updated export trade data report Limited liability service bud materials. Limited liability service bud materials trade data is collected from the customs of Ukraine and contains information required for trade business.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 04-08-2018
MD typeEC / 10 / AA
SenderLimited Liability SERVICE BUD materials
USREOU Sender41409782
Address of thesender07453, Kyiv region., Brovarsky district, S.Rusaniv Str.áOctober
Address of the Recipient220072, Minsk, ul.Akademicheskaya, 27, kom.19, Belarus
RecipientOOO Slim Food Plus
No TBD86119
Item No1
Product code2103200000
Description of the product1.Hotov -ketchupy sauces, ketchup Torchin Chile, 450 g -1120sht.áKetchup Torchin with paprika, 300 g -945sht.áKetchup Torchin with garlic 300g -1680sht.áKetchup Torchin Chile, 300 g -10080sht.áGentle Torchin Ketchup, 300 g -15120sht.áTorchin Ketchup Barbecue, 300 g -208
Country destinationBILORUS
Trading country code112
Terms of deliveryUA Ternopil
Terms of delivery code2
Net Weight kg15671,6
Total invoice cost563947,04
Exchange rate0,42784
Currency nameRussian Ruble
M at the border102040000
Trt at the border30
Field 25NULL
Trt in the country30
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Export shipment details of Limited liability service bud materials

Date Hs code Product Description Net Weight kg Total invoice cost Exchange rate Currency name Country Destination [20] More Fields
04-08-2018 2103200000 1.Hotov -ketchupy sauces, ketchup Torchin Chile, 450 g -1120sht.áKetchup Torchin with paprika, 300 g -945sht.áKetchup Torchin with garlic 300g -1680sht.áKetchup Torchin Chile, 300 g -10080sht.áGentle Torchin Ketchup, 300 g -15120sht.áTorchin Ketchup Barbecue, 300 g -208 15671,6 563947,04 0,42784 Russian Ruble BILORUS View Coulmn name
16-08-2018 2103909000 1. Mixed food flavor - spice vegetables to cook first and second courses: Seasoning Torchin 10 vegetables, 170 g -960sht., Seasoning Torchin 10 vegetables, 60 g -23040sht., Seasoning Torchin 10 vegetables, 170 g -2660sht.áTrademark: Torchin 2327,79 749065,63 0,41354 Russian Ruble BILORUS View Coulmn name
16-08-2018 2103200000 1.Hotov -ketchupy sauces, ketchup Torchin with paprika, 300 g -1680sht., Ketchup Torchin with garlic 300g -1680sht., Torchin Ketchup Chili, 300 g -13440sht.áGentle Torchin Ketchup, 300 g -13440sht., Torchin Ketchup Barbecue, 300 g -13440sht.áTrademark: So 13584,47 749065,63 0,41354 Russian Ruble BILORUS View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 2103909000 1.Zmishana food flavoring seasonings and vegetables to cook first and second courses: Seasoning Torchin 10 vegetables, 60 g -532sht.áSeasoning Mivina Chicken 80g -40320sht.áTrademark: Gurevich;áMivina Manufacturer: OOO Tekhnokom 3487,06 563947,04 0,42784 Russian Ruble BILORUS View Coulmn name
16-08-2018 2103909000 1. Mixed food flavor - spice vegetables to cook first and second courses: Seasoning Mivina Mushroom, 80g -5760sht Seasoning Mivina Chicken 80g -28800sht Seasoning Mivina Chicken 80g -2496sht Trade Mark: Country of Torchin 3275,33 749065,63 0,41354 Russian Ruble BILORUS View Coulmn name

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