Limited liability mark ltd

Exporter in Ukraine

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Limited liability mark ltd is an exporter company in Ukraine. Seair Exim Solutions is providing updated export trade data report Limited liability mark ltd. Limited liability mark ltd trade data is collected from the customs of Ukraine and contains information required for trade business.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 20-08-2018
MD typeEC / 10 / AA
SenderLimited Liability MARK LTD
USREOU Sender30284125
Address of thesenderUkraine, 65031, Odessa region, m. Odesa, district, street.áAbout
No TBD106759
Item No33
Product code110429
Description of the productINVENTORIES CONSUMPTION buckwheat shelled, processed, in the form yadr-15kh.Vaha net 15kg.
Country destinationthe United Kingdom
Trading country code826
Terms of deliveryUA Nikolaev
Terms of delivery code4
Net Weight kg15
Country ofUKRAINE
Total invoice cost155161,16
Exchange rate27,898554
Currency nameU.S. DOLLAR
M at the border504130000
Trt at the border10
Field 25NULL
Trt in the country0
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Export shipment details of Limited liability mark ltd

Date Hs code Product Description Net Weight kg Total invoice cost Exchange rate Currency name Country Destination [20] More Fields
20-08-2018 110429 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION buckwheat shelled, processed, in the form yadr-15kh.Vaha net 15kg. 15 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 160100 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION Sausages: Sardeli, 10kg, 30kg sausage;áBathe sardeli frozen-10kg;áAmateur lard-15kg;áLiver-15kg, Salami P / K 5kg;áCooked-15kg; 15kg-garlic;áSalami P / K-10kg, 10kg mini sausages.áWeight net 135kh. 135 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200110 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION Pickled cucumbers with the addition of vinegar, on 12 cans of 1 liter.áWeight 12kg net. 12 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200390 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION Mushrooms, canned, without the addition of vinegar - 12 banks in 750ml.áNet weight 9kg. 9 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200912 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION orange juice (unquenched, with a Brix level of not more than 20) -48l in packages of 1l.Vaha net 49.44kh. 49,44 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 151219 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION Sunflower oil 20 bottles of 5l.Vaha net 98kh. 98 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200599 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION salty pickled cucumbers without adding vinegar unquenched-10kg.áNet weight 10kg. 10 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 160232 INVENTORIES consumption of finished products boiled-smoked meat chicken, whole leg kipchenyy -10kh.áNet weight 10kg. 10 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200540 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION canned green Horoshek-12 for 340ml cans.áWeight net 4.08kh. 4,08 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name
20-08-2018 200811 INVENTORIES CONSUMPTION roasted peanuts, shelled, not broken, not containing added sugar 5kg.áNet weight 5kg. 5 155161,16 27,898554 U.S. DOLLAR the United Kingdom View Coulmn name

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