Limited liability company of the united kingdom of foreign affairs

Exporter in Ukraine

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Limited liability company of the united kingdom of foreign affairs is an exporter company in Ukraine. Seair Exim Solutions is providing updated export trade data report Limited liability company of the united kingdom of foreign affairs. Limited liability company of the united kingdom of foreign affairs trade data is collected from the customs of Ukraine and contains information required for trade business.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 04-08-2018
MD typeEC / 11 / AA
USREOU Sender31895961
Address of thesender79066 Lviv, ul.Vuletska, 14 Ukraine
Address of the Recipient89320 High, Wysoczka 21 Poland
RecipientHjort Knudsen Poland Sp.ázoo
No TBD46729
Item No2
Product code6304930000
Description of the product1.Cooking products Upholstery of upholstered furniture from fabrics made of synthetic fibers: -to the sofas - 861 pieces, -to the sofas (tabs) -355 pcs., -To the stools -374 pcs., - to the chairs -145 pcs.áTotal-1735pcs
Country destinationPOLAND
Trading country code616
Terms of deliveryLvov
Terms of delivery code2
Net Weight kg1932,4
Country ofUKRAINE
Total invoice cost1376251,52
Exchange rate31,379686
Currency nameEURO
M at the border209060000
Trt at the border30
Field 25NULL
Trt in the country30
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Export shipment details of Limited liability company of the united kingdom of foreign affairs

Date Hs code Product Description Net Weight kg Total invoice cost Exchange rate Currency name Country Destination [20] More Fields
04-08-2018 6304930000 1.Cooking products Upholstery of upholstered furniture from fabrics made of synthetic fibers: -to the sofas - 861 pieces, -to the sofas (tabs) -355 pcs., -To the stools -374 pcs., - to the chairs -145 pcs.áTotal-1735pcs 1932,4 1376251,52 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 7326909890 1. Multi-coarse container: a container made of metal tubes on a plywood pallet-25 pcs. 1175 22718,89 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 6305329000 1. Multi-coated packaging: bags for large-capacity packaging (type running-running) of synthetic fabric -22pcs. 66 6244,56 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 7326909890 1. Multi-winding container: a container made of metal tubes on a plywood pallet -9 pcs. 423 10731,85 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 9401610000 1. Products of processing Wood with wooden frame, with upholstery of fabric or skins -198 pcs. 7775 989664,78 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 7326909890 1. Multi-coil packaging: a container made of metal tubes on a plywood pallet-4pcs. 188 6244,56 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 9401610000 1. Cereals for processing Crates with wood frame, with upholstery of fabric or skins -45 pieces. 1954 345263,47 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 9401710000 1. Cereals processed with metal frame, with upholstery with skin or fabric -268pcs. 4291,9 1068870,55 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 6305329000 1. Multi-coated packaging: bags for large-capacity packaging (such as running-running) of synthetic fabric -95 pcs. 285 13414,82 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name
04-08-2018 6305329000 1. Multi-coated packaging: bags for large-capacity packaging (type running-running) of synthetic fabric -22pcs. 66 22718,89 31,379686 EURO POLAND View Coulmn name

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