Limited liability company ala interneshnl

Exporter in Ukraine

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Limited liability company ala interneshnl is an exporter company in Ukraine. Seair Exim Solutions is providing updated export trade data report Limited liability company ala interneshnl. Limited liability company ala interneshnl trade data is collected from the customs of Ukraine and contains information required for trade business.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 03-08-2018
MD typeEC / 11 / AA
USREOU Sender40316603
Address of thesender42005, Sumy oblast, m.Romni, Korzhivska str., 100
Address of the RecipientForest Street, 2/4 310 049, Arad, Romania
No TBD2696
Item No1
Product code6406903000
Description of the product1. PROCESSING PRODUCTS.áBottom-ups of footwear made of leather of cattle and synthetic materials, fixed on the main sole, but without outer sole: model DIABLO HI 26106 - 700 pairs.áManufacturer-manufacturer: ALA INTERNETNESHNL.UA LTD
Country destinationROMANIA
Trading country code642
Terms of deliveryZERO
Terms of delivery code0
Net Weight kg626,91
Country ofUKRAINE
Total invoice cost336046,31
Exchange rate31,379686
Currency nameEURO
M at the border305310000
Trt at the border30
Field 25NULL
Trt in the country30
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Export shipment details of Limited liability company ala interneshnl

Date Hs code Product Description Net Weight kg Total invoice cost Exchange rate Currency name Country Destination [20] More Fields
03-08-2018 6406903000 1. PROCESSING PRODUCTS.áBottom-ups of footwear made of leather of cattle and synthetic materials, fixed on the main sole, but without outer sole: model DIABLO HI 26106 - 700 pairs.áManufacturer-manufacturer: ALA INTERNETNESHNL.UA LTD 626,91 336046,31 31,379686 EURO ROMANIA View Coulmn name
03-08-2018 6406903000 1. PROCESSING PRODUCTS.áBottom-ups of footwear made from leather of cattle and synthetic materials, fixed on the main insole, but without outer sole: model NUVOLA FG HIHG 26086 - 580 pairs.áManufacturer-manufacturer: ALA INTERNETNESHNL.UA LTD 455,62 303821,26 31,379686 EURO ROMANIA View Coulmn name
03-08-2018 6406909000 1. derivatives.áMarked details vzuttya sock labeled ALLOY TOE, order: 26172bis - 1,250 pairs made of synthetic material that mimics natural leather.áCompany - manufacturer: ALA INTERNATIONAL LTD.áUA 85,01 110219,26 31,379686 EURO ROMANIA View Coulmn name
03-08-2018 6406903000 1. PROCESSING PRODUCTS.áBottom workpieces made of leather of cattle and synthetic materials, fixed on the main insole, but without external soles: model CONTINENT.2 26070 - 736 pairs.áManufacturer-manufacturer: ALA INTERNETNESHNL.UA LTD 655,23 318481,53 31,379686 EURO ROMANIA View Coulmn name

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