Light system natural sas

Importer in Colombia

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Light system natural sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Light system natural sas importer in Colombia. Light system natural sas import data helps in finding import information of Light system natural sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-08-2018
CustomSanta Fe de Bogota
Control id32018000723465
Importer id0000000900810858
Importer addressCR 28 A 49 A 84
Importer phone6871954
Department DestinationSantafe de Bogota
HS CODE9010900000
PRODUCTApparatus and equipment for photographic or cinematographic laboratories, not specified or co
Country of OriginCOREA (SUR) REP DE
Country of AcquisitionCOREA (SUR) REP DE
Type of transportAereo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyDHL EXPRESS COLOMBIA LTDA.
Exporter address45,SECHOEN-RO 7-GIL,DASA-EUP
Exporter CityDAEGU
Exporter CountryCorea (Sur), Republica de
Exporter phone e-mail+82-2-6499-2840
Unit of measureU
US FOB1977
US Freight105.75
US Insurance9.89
US CIF2136.7
Transport document6726525573
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Import shipment Details of Light system natural sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-08-2018 9010900000 Apparatus and equipment for photographic or cinematographic laboratories, not specified or co 58 U 1977 2136.7 MEGAGEN COREA (SUR) REP DE View Coulmn name

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