Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china

Importer in Ukraine

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Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china is a leading import company in Ukraine. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china importer in Ukraine. Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china import data helps in finding import information of Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Ukraine customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Customs on the border UA205010
Type of declaration 40
Post clearance Division 3 N customs clearance the customs post Capital
Post clearance 2 Departments of customs clearance 1 4 customs post Yagodin checkpoint Yagodyn Dorogusk
Customs clearance Kyiv City Customs
Transport at the border Truck
Delivery conditions FCA
Transport at the border 2 AC7298CA AC7078XP
Recipient 41046654
Declarant 37075637
Recipient 2 LTD INTEGRAL ENGINEERING of Kyiv 03028 Avenue building 42 1 korpus10 of∞s16
Broker 3147613133
HS Code 8413708100
Declaration number UA100130 / 414672 / 08.2018
Product description Centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal pump with a diameter of the exhaust pipe of more than 15 mm: one step two-sided input of type D NSC500 400 430 without electric motor for supply of clean water 1 st Brand CNP Manufacturer NANFANG ZHONGJIN ENVIRONMENT CO LTD Country of manufacture CN Reactors nuclear boilers machinery equipment and their mechanical devices parts Pumps for liquids with or without flowmeters for raising the liquid: other pumps: other pumps with a diameter of the outlet nozzle: more than 15 mm: other centrifugal pumps: one step
Trademark CNP
Method 1
Country of origin China
Doed 1
Gross weight kg 1 340
Dope 2 PCs
Net weight kg 1 250
Customs value USD 10 163
Invoice value USD 9 039
Code 201963
Price kg 8,13
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Import shipment Details of Jiaxing sunlong industrial trading co ltd 39 kai xi road jiaxing zhejiang china

HS Code Product description Doed Gross weight kg Dope 2 Net weight kg Customs value USD Invoice value USD Code Price kg Country of origin [20] More Fields
8413708100 Centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal pump with a diameter of the exhaust pipe of more than 15 mm: one step two-sided input of type D NSC500 400 430 without electric motor for supply of clean water 1 st Brand CNP Manufacturer NANFANG ZHONGJIN ENVIRONMENT CO LTD Country of manufacture CN Reactors nuclear boilers machinery equipment and their mechanical devices parts Pumps for liquids with or without flowmeters for raising the liquid: other pumps: other pumps with a diameter of the outlet nozzle: more than 15 mm: other centrifugal pumps: one step 1 1 340 PCs 1 250 10 163 9 039 201963 8,13 China View Coulmn name

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