Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda

Importer in Colombia

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Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda importer in Colombia. Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda import data helps in finding import information of Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-03-2018
CustomSanta Fe de Bogota
Control id32018000700607
Importer id0000000800044194
Importer addressCR 29 C 79 B 26
Importer phone3110010
Department DestinationSantafe de Bogota
HS CODE8708291000
PRODUCTDIM 1/1 2018-030055 DO / DO ROYAL 2018-05-0242 2ND PARTIAL LOCATION of merchandise.áZ
Country of OriginPAISES BAJOS
Country of AcquisitionESTADOS UNIDOS
Type of transportTerrestre
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyTAMPA CARGO S.A.S.
Exporter address15083 NORTH RD FENTON,MI 48430 U.S.
Exporter CityFENTON,
Exporter CountryEstados Unidos
Exporter phone e-mail810.593.6001
Unit of measureU
US FOB6237.84
US Freight232.01
US Insurance15.59
US CIF6623.91
Transport documentROY183620
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Import shipment Details of Industria manufacturera de partes imapar ltda

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-31-2018 8536501100 DIM 3.2 2018-030067 DO / DO ROYAL 2018-05-0289 PLACE 1ST PART OF THE GOODS.áZ 10 U 545.22 556.79 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT NORTH AMERICA POLONIA View Coulmn name
05-31-2018 8205599900 DIM third 2018-030067 DO / DO 2018-05-0289 ROYAL 1ST PART OF PLACE MERCHANDISE.áZ 1 U 443.3 467.89 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT NORTH AMERICA ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-31-2018 8708291000 DIM 3.3 2018-030067 DO / DO 2018-05-0289 ROYAL 1ST PART OF PLACE MERCHANDISE.áZ 10 U 3077.16 3350.29 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT NORTH AMERICA ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 4107990000 DIM 1/1 DO 2018-030064 / DO ROYAL 2018-05-0274 LOCATION OF THE MERCHANDISE.áFREE ZONE D 1795.36 M2 28725.76 29363.21 COMERCIAL TUNGURAHUA CORICAVA CIA.LTDA. ECUADOR View Coulmn name
05-24-2018 8708291000 DIM 1.1 2018-030065 DO / DO ROYAL 2018-05-0278 2nd PART OF Placem MERCANC?A.áZ 10 U 3059.85 3427.72 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT NORTH AMERICA ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name

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