Ecr tech

Importer in Pakistan

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Ecr tech is a leading import company in Pakistan. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Ecr tech importer in Pakistan. Ecr tech import data helps in finding import information of Ecr tech importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Pakistan customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 2018/10/2
HS Code 85362010
Item Description FDN36TD020ED FD160BREAKER50KA FDN36TD020ED 430101 QTY 10PCS
Importer Name ECR TECH
Importer NtnNumber 4264521
Importer Address KHIPK
Port Of Shipment POLANO
Currency Code 998
Units KG
Quantity 10
Rate Assigned 49.4502
Rate Declared 49.4502
Value In Rupees 72226
Customs Duty 2167
Sales Tax 12892
Sales tax Additional 2275
Income Tax 5460
OtherTaxes 0
PortStr KPAF
IgmNo 9961
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Import shipment Details of Ecr tech

Date HS Code Item Description Units Quantity Value In Rupees Customs Duty Sales Tax [20] More Fields
2018/10/22 85364990 RELAY T60U00HKHF8NH6EMXXP6EUXXW6C QTY 01PC KG 1 841416 25242 150193 View Coulmn name
2018/10/2 85389090 BCLF10 CL AUXILIARY FRONTAL CONTACT BLOCK 1NO 104700 QTY 100PCS KG 100 13258 2121 2659 View Coulmn name
2018/10/2 85389090 FAS01L FDEGCONTACT AUX. NCLEFT 430828 QTY30PCS KG 30 30598 4896 6138 View Coulmn name
2018/10/2 85369030 CL45A311MN CL45A311MN CONT. 220V50 240V60 112804 QTY 20PCS KG 20 52853 5814 10153 View Coulmn name
2018/10/2 85369030 CL25A300TN SERIES CLCONTACTOR 100804 QTY 50PCS KG 50 75479 8303 14500 View Coulmn name

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