Connplants sas

Importer in Colombia

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Connplants sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Connplants sas importer in Colombia. Connplants sas import data helps in finding import information of Connplants sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-17-2018
Control id352018000197835
Importer id0000000900473144
Importer addressCR 16 13 50
Importer phone3816229
Department DestinationValle del Cauca
HS CODE1211909000
PRODUCTDO: 18-10540 / PRODUCT: WHOLE camomile flower, Botanical name: Matricaria chamomilla,
Country of OriginEGIPTO
Country of AcquisitionEGIPTO
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Exporter addressGMBH & CO. KG GANSEMARKT 50 - 20354
Exporter CityHAMBURGO
Exporter CountryAlemania
Exporter phone
Unit of measureKG
US FOB31840
US Freight1298.82
US Insurance63.68
US CIF33202.5
Transport documentMSCUOY133594
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Import shipment Details of Connplants sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-29-2018 712909000 DO: 18-10603 / * / PRODUCT: PARSLEY LEAF (PEREJIL FLAKES) BOTANICAL NAME: PETROSELINUM 3000 KG 3410 3696.82 PURE SPICE EGIPTO View Coulmn name
05-29-2018 1211909000 DO: 18-10603 / * / PRODUCT: HIERBABUENA ESCAMAS, Calendula FLOWER.áCondition: SEC 2000 KG 2883.33 3075.77 PURE SPICE EGIPTO View Coulmn name
05-29-2018 910999000 DO: 18-10603 / * / PRODUCT: THYME CRUSHED (THYME CREDITED LEAVES) BOTANICAL NAME: THYMU 10000 KG 12466.67 13424.93 PURE SPICE EGIPTO View Coulmn name
05-17-2018 1211909000 DO: 18-10540 / PRODUCT: WHOLE camomile flower, BOTANICAL NAME: Matricaria chamomilla, P 500 KG 1990 2075.16 HELLMUTH CARROUX EGIPTO View Coulmn name
05-17-2018 1211909000 DO: 18-10540 / PRODUCT: WHOLE camomile flower, Botanical name: Matricaria chamomilla, 8000 KG 31840 33202.5 HELLMUTH CARROUX EGIPTO View Coulmn name

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