Comestibles alfa ltda

Importer in Colombia

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Comestibles alfa ltda is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Comestibles alfa ltda importer in Colombia. Comestibles alfa ltda import data helps in finding import information of Comestibles alfa ltda importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-05-2018
Control id482018000309146
Importer id0000000860511541
Importer addressAV TRONCAL DE OCCIDENTE 17 65 KM 19
Importer phone8932105
Department DestinationCundinamarca
HS CODE2005700000
PRODUCTSTATEMENT CTGI0152681 DO (1-1) import log N? LIC-22142564-23042018 WITH DATE
Country of OriginESPA?A
Country of AcquisitionESPA?A
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Exporter addressCARRETERA BANYERES, KM 2, 03802
Exporter CityALCOY
Exporter CountryEspana
Exporter phone e-mailSERPIS@SERPIS.COM
Unit of measureKG
US FOB56275.6
US Freight1343.43
US Insurance196.96
US CIF57815.99
Transport documentMSCUWH262807
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Import shipment Details of Comestibles alfa ltda

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-30-2018 801220000 STATEMENT BUNI0153375 DO (1-1) REGISTRATION NO IMPORT.áLIC-22147399-02052018 DATE 15966 KG 78496 79645.74 BENEFICIADORA DE ALMENDRAS URKUPInA SRL BOLIVIA View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 2008702000 STATEMENT CTGI0153018 DO (1-1) import log LIC-22151041-08052018 DATE APR 90900 KG 90344.5 93943.21 P. PAVLIDES S.A GRECIA View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 2202990000 STATEMENT CTGI0152951 DO (1-1) REGISTRATION importation N? LIC-22127457-27032018 WITH DATE 36198 L 81532 83247.36 AMERICAN ROLAND FOOD CORP REPUBLICA DOMINICANA View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 2003100000 STATEMENT BUNI0153158 DO (1-1) .REGISTRO IMPORT LIC-22155119-15052018 DATE AP 12594 KG 27027 27741.59 ZHANGZHOU MINSHENG IMPORT AND EXPORT CO. LTD CHINA View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 1106309000 STATEMENT BUNI0153068 DO (2-2) REGISTRATION NO IMPORT.áLIC-22108531-21022018 DATE 20 2268 KG 16843.43 17010 PRIMEX INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORP. ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name

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