Comercializadora alianza global ag sas

Importer in Colombia

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Comercializadora alianza global ag sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Comercializadora alianza global ag sas importer in Colombia. Comercializadora alianza global ag sas import data helps in finding import information of Comercializadora alianza global ag sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-30-2018
Control id482018000360374
Importer id0000000901056230
Importer addressCR 45 27 55 IN 201
Importer phone4487046
Department DestinationAntioquia
HS CODE3921130000
PRODUCTDO 47599. Product: fine pore sponge for applying finishes.áComposition: polyurethane
Country of OriginESPA?A
Country of AcquisitionESPA?A
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Exporter addressC/JUAN DE LA CIERVA N81
Exporter CityALICANTE
Exporter CountryEspana
Exporter phone
Unit of measureKG
US FOB797.43
US Freight1.96
US Insurance3.99
US CIF832.55
Transport document10020/59373
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Import shipment Details of Comercializadora alianza global ag sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-30-2018 4911100000 DO 47599. We seek the FTA with EU CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN N.EUR.1 N. 0,465,197 MAY 4 / 1.3 KG 2.37 2.65 EVO QUIMICA S.L.U. ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 8453800000 DO 47599. Product: INK APPLICATOR ROLLER.áBrand: Craftool PRO.áModel no.árefer 22 U 496.01 516.8 EVO QUIMICA S.L.U. ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 3902900000 DO 47599. We seek the FTA with EU CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN N.EUR.1 N. 0,465,197 MAY 4 / 448 KG 265.8 337.87 EVO QUIMICA S.L.U. ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 3809930000 DO 47599. Product: nourishing cream leather, close the pores and average brightness.áComposition 1796.06 KG 8280.77 8870.22 EVO QUIMICA S.L.U. ESPA?A View Coulmn name
05-30-2018 9603500000 DO 47599. We seek the FTA with EU CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN N.EUR.1 N. 0,465,197 MAY 4 / 25 U 732.98 767.54 EVO QUIMICA S.L.U. ESPA?A View Coulmn name

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