Comercializadora al grano sas

Importer in Colombia

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Comercializadora al grano sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Comercializadora al grano sas importer in Colombia. Comercializadora al grano sas import data helps in finding import information of Comercializadora al grano sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-09-2018
Control id872018000113261
Importer id0000000830117064
Importer addressAK 80 2 51 SUR BG 2 LC 2 BRR CORABAS
Importer phone2939531
Department DestinationSantafe de Bogota
HS CODE1005902000
PRODUCTTHE REQUEST I10336-18 CORAL MAIZE // NAM3085639 COD.UAP: declaration 1 OF 1;áMAKING (S): 54529;á,
Country of OriginESTADOS UNIDOS
Country of AcquisitionESTADOS UNIDOS
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Exporter address3500 N CAUSEWAY BLVD. STE 1548 MATA
Exporter CityMETAIRIE
Exporter CountryEstados Unidos
Exporter phone e-mail504-837-5342
Unit of measureKG
US FOB44715
US Freight10875
US Insurance166.77
US CIF55806.77
Transport documentNAM3085639
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Import shipment Details of Comercializadora al grano sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-30-2018 1005902000 DO I10413-18 ORDER COSU8019071060 // CORN PIRA COD.UAP: Declaration 1 1;áBILL (S): 54 68760 KG 34324.2 37586.62 CROWN PRODUCTS, INC. ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name
05-28-2018 713409000 DO.á12778. NEW MERCHANDISE.á- Product;áLENTIL.áHARVEST 2017.- Conservation State;áFR 105000 KG 64597 71400 NORTHERN GATE ENTERPRISES LTD. CANADA View Coulmn name
05-18-2018 713409000 THE REQUEST I10302-18 HLCUMTR180321360 COD.UAP: declaraci≤n 1 OF 1;áMAKING (S): 225062-63;áN 362840 KG 230986.38 261244.8 SIMPSON SEEDS INC. CANADA View Coulmn name
05-18-2018 713109000 ORDER OF I10368-18 HLCUMTR180420405 COD.UAP: Declaration 1 1;áBILL (S): 301287;á, number 129360 KG 44858.74 53070.8 SCOULAR CANADA LTD. CANADA View Coulmn name
05-17-2018 713339900 DO I10338-18 ORDER RED BEAN SUDU28001AAE0015 COD.UAP: Declaration 1 1;áBILL (S): 5 158624 KG 143293.94 159099.87 JACK`S BEAN INTERNATIONAL ESTADOS UNIDOS View Coulmn name

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