Ace colombia del norte sas

Importer in Colombia

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Ace colombia del norte sas is a leading import company in Colombia. Seair Exim offers the latest and 100% accurate import trade data report of Ace colombia del norte sas importer in Colombia. Ace colombia del norte sas import data helps in finding import information of Ace colombia del norte sas importer as products imported, importing price etc. that are filed at Colombia customs, importing ports, etc.

Sample Bill of Lading

Date 05-16-2018
Control id482018000329934
Importer id0000000900785569
Importer addressCR 43 82 209
Importer phone3300414
Department DestinationAtlantico
HS CODE3924109000
PRODUCTOJ M180487076 * DECLARATION 1 OF 46; INVOICE (S): 324876,324882,324883,324885;á36 SET, PRODUCT
Country of OriginCHINA
Country of AcquisitionPANAMA
Type of transportMaritimo
Method of paymentGIRO DIRECTO
Transportation companyMAERSK COLOMBIA S.A
Exporter addressAPARTADO POSTAL 0302-00496 ZONA LIB
Exporter CityCOLON
Exporter CountryPanama
Exporter phone e-mail(507) 433-9900
Unit of measureU
US FOB2231.25
US Freight28.75
US Insurance7.34
US CIF2267.34
Transport documentH-EXP-49-ABR-201
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Import shipment Details of Ace colombia del norte sas

Date HS CODE PRODUCT Quantity Unit of measure US FOB US CIF Exporter Country of Origin [20] More Fields
05-21-2018 6307100000 DO M180487076_ STATEMENT 4, 8;áBILL (S): 324,885;á144 UNIT TO WIPE PRODUCT PANOS 417 U 340.05 341.18 MAYS ZONA LIBRE S.A. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 5703300000 OJ M180487076_ Declaration 1 8;áBILL (S): 324878.324885;á12 UNIT PRODUCT scene modes GRAM 117.87 M2 792 794.74 MAYS ZONA LIBRE S.A. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 6110309000 OJ M180487076_ Declaration 2 8;áBILL (S): 324,878;áUNIT 236, PRODUCT VESTS Segur 236 U 236 236.67 MAYS ZONA LIBRE S.A. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 6302220000 DO M180487076_ Claim 6 of 8;áBILL (S): 324,885;á24 SET, SET COMFORTER PRODUCT TWIN 2 84 U 870 873.09 MAYS ZONA LIBRE S.A. CHINA View Coulmn name
05-21-2018 6302320000 DO M180487076_ STATEMENT 7, 8;áBILL (S): 324,885;á24 SET, SET PRODUCT FULL COMFORTER 70 72 U 696 698.37 MAYS ZONA LIBRE S.A. CHINA View Coulmn name

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