MAGHA ENGINEERS Trader in India, MAGHA ENGINEERS Customs Shipment Data Report


MAGHA ENGINEERS is a Indian Importer / Buyer of Other and deals in majorly hs code 84612019, 84612020, 84614013, 84614023, 84614026 Major trading partners of MAGHA ENGINEERS are POLAND.

This company trade reports majorly contain , Market analysis, Price analysis , Port analysis and trading partners. By subscribing to the report you can check , Product type, Hs codes, Indian ports, Price and trading partners and countries. We have compiled the reports of more than 80 countries data to present the output.

Import Shipment Overview

Top Trading Indian Ports
Top Trading Indian Ports
Indian PortTotal
Chennai Sea 1
Top Trading Country
Top Trading Country
TOP Used Hs Code
84619000 1
TOP Used Hs Code
[84612019] Other
[84612020] Slotting machines
[84614013] Gear slotter or planar formed cutter type
[84614023] Gear shaver
[84614026] Gear hobber, spur and helical
Import Data List
Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
21-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84619000 "marble cutter machine 4"" (2700 kgs)" 1002 PCS 6.95 6959.16 china
21-Nov-2016 chennai sea 84619000 lens cutter mod: jing li yan 2007 (unbranded) 2 SET 118.24 236.49 china
20-Nov-2016 bombay sea 84619000 electric screwdriver ep-sd10 83.5 DOZ 3.68 307.02 china
20-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84619000 portable cnc cutting machine with torch height controller(model-hr-1530)(,track,beam, etc)(cutting machine) 3 SET 2055.25 6165.75 china
20-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84619000 (temporary import for demonstration & display purpose) l01-2084 model 610sb hd air c/w full accessories (s/r no 397190) 1 NOS 17267.18 17267.18 united states

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