F D M CORPORATION Trader in India, F D M CORPORATION Customs Shipment Data Report


F D M CORPORATION is a Indian Importer / Buyer of All goods other than Bicycle parts and components [Exemption Duty Ref by SNo(532) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017] and deals in majorly hs code 871493, 871499, 871420, 87142010, 87142090 Major trading partners of F D M CORPORATION are CHINA.

This company trade reports majorly contain , Market analysis, Price analysis , Port analysis and trading partners. By subscribing to the report you can check , Product type, Hs codes, Indian ports, Price and trading partners and countries. We have compiled the reports of more than 80 countries data to present the output.

Import Shipment Overview

Top Trading Indian Ports
Top Trading Indian Ports
Indian PortTotal
Bombay Sea 155
Top Trading Country
Top Trading Country
TOP Used Hs Code
87141090 58
85122020 13
85131010 7
94054090 11
91119000 8
TOP Used Hs Code
[871493] All goods other than Bicycle parts and components [Exemption Duty Ref by SNo(532) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017]
[871499] All goods other than Bicycle parts and components [Exemption Duty Ref by SNo(532) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017]
[871420] Of carriages for disabled persons:
[87142010] Mechanically propelled
[87142090] Other
Import Data List
Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 patli icd 87141090 aluminium wheels for motorcycle 44601-aak-h710 wheel front disc, total-1396 pcs,unit price-13.60/pcs(captive consumption 6980 KGS 2.77 19309.87 china
22-Nov-2016 waluj aurangabad 87141090 piston rod plated (s1jl01004b) 30000 PCS 0.15 4412.59 china
22-Nov-2016 patli icd 87141090 aluminium wheels for motorcycle 42601-aak-h810 wheel rear drum, total-1200 pcs,unit price-16.54/pcs(captive consumption) 5940 KGS 3.40 20187.00 china
22-Nov-2016 patli icd 87141090 aluminium wheels for motorcycle 44601-aal-0100 wheel front drum csm, total-3584 pcs,unit price-10.19/pcs(captive consump 9103.36 KGS 4.07 37031.57 china
22-Nov-2016 patli icd 87141090 aluminium wheels for motorcycle 42601-aal-0100 wheel rear drum csm, total-3584 pcs,unit price-10.51/pcs(captive consumpt 9569.28 KGS 3.99 38194.49 china

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